The light passing through the stained-glass invite us to join this inner light. It is the path of life that leads us to the divine.
The colour filters the ray to soften and bring resonance in the heart, in the soul of the pilgrim or the visitor for a day. He is then brought back to his inner-self in the warmth of a soothed feeling.
The stained-glass, more than a personal art work, is an approach to share in a sacred place. The warm and peaceful light shine to a moment of enlightenment in a safe environment. This sacred art is inspired by faith. If the artist is indeed the initiator and author of his work, he is not only a creator, but the instrument of the one to whom he relies on. The approach of creating such a piece is not to impose an art work as such, but rather to invite the visitor to feel enveloped by the warmth of the lights and the figures thus represented.
Everyone will complete their journey and will choose to observe according to their place the game of lights and colour to which he will be sensitive according to his own inspiration. Thus, naturally, walking in the heart of the church thus lit, he will know where to stop in the rays of a stained-glass rather than another.
The different versions and theme do not claim to be theoretical theology or religious academic. They are an invitation in the simplicity of the gaze, to the silence of the prayer. And when the darkness comes, the windows lit from the inside will serve as a guide. The sound of the bells calls to enter the heart of the sanctuary. The illuminated stained-glass engages to lift the gaze and being led as a sailor searching his path through the lighthouse and thus reach the sanctuary of the heart.
The stained–glass window offers its beauty only crossed by light. During the day it bursts at night it becomes the intimate of our depths.
Stained glass window does not sleep. It is life, shine and incitement.